It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Tobacco Free Florida
Contact Tobacco Free Florida
- 850-245-4144
850-414-7497 -
Mailing Address
Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C23
Tallahassee, FL 32399
In Florida, Big Tobacco spends more than $551.8 million in marketing. Why so much? They see it as an investment to help replace the people that die from smoking...1,300 people a day.
And guess who they're trying to replace them with? Teens. Or as one tobacco executive calls them, "replacement smokers". Did you know that 9 out of 10 current smokers started in their teens. Most of them believing they would never become addicted.
So it’s important to know the truth about tobacco and FIGHT BACK!
Stand Up and Take Action. Join SWAT today!

SWAT is Florida's statewide youth organization working to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. SWAT is a united movement of empowered youth working towards a tobacco free future.
There's a group of people on one side selling a product (cigarettes, cigars, electronic vapor products, chewing tobacco, and more) that some teens are using. Those products are highly addictive and many teens that begin using them are never able to quit. On the other side, groups like SWAT and Tobacco Free Florida, are working to make sure as many teens as possible never start using tobacco.
About SWAT
We are Big Tobacco’s nightmare.
We know their ploys. Their tricks. Their deceit. And we will not tolerate it.
We will not stand by and idly watch tobacco kill our friends and family. We will not be manipulated by a multi-billion dollar industry, nor will we replace the hundreds of addicts that die every day. We will change policy. Reach out to lawmakers. Expose marketing schemes. Influence our peers. And save lives. We are the generation that will stop Big Tobacco.
We are SWAT.
To join the movement, visit for more information.
For more information about tobacco, visit
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