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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Certified Environmental Health Professional

Contact the Florida Department of Health

If you are looking for information on the licensure of medical professionals (doctors, nurses, etc.) please visit Licensing and Regulation or call 850-488-0595.

The Florida Department of Health works to ensure staff that areImage of person rinsing lettuce in sink. assigned the responsibility to perform environmental health evaluations for food facilities and onsite sewage disposal systems are knowledgeable in their specific areas of practice and conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner.   

Florida law requires that anyone working in the primary program areas of the Food Protection or Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS) Programs must be a certified environmental health professional (CEHP), per section 381.0101, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64E-18, Florida Administrative Code.

Active CEHP Listing

Listing of all active Certified Environmental Health Professionals Updated 3/21/2025

Environmental Health Professional Advisory Board

The Florida Department of Health has an open seat available on the Environmental Health Professional Advisory Board, established by section 381.0101, F.S. The following seat is currently available: 

  • A citizen of the state who neither employs nor is routinely evaluated by a person certified under section 381.0101, F.S.

If you are interested in serving on the board, complete a CEHP Board Appointment Application.

Board members are appointed by the State Surgeon General and represent sectors of environmental health. The board was created to assist the department in the promulgation of rules for certification, testing, establishing standards, and seeking enforcement actions against certified professionals. Meetings are generally convened virtually and occur biannually.