It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Refugee Health Case Managers
Refugee Health
- 850-901-6521
Mailing Address
Refugee Health Program
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Bin A-11
Tallahassee, FL 32399
The primary role of the Refugee Health Case Managers is to assist refugees in need of follow-up medical care. They assist refugees with a variety of medical conditions including diabetes, hypertension, Taenia solium, and pregnancy among others.
In addition to assisting with follow-up medical care, Refugee Health Case Managers provide assistance in accessing medical care benefits, transportation, and medical services for the refugee’s identified medical conditions. Refugees are often given little education about the healthcare system as they enter our country. As this can become a detriment to the public health system, Refugee Health Case Managers also provide education on navigating the healthcare system, the appropriate use of various healthcare facilities, and accessing public transportation for the purposes of attending medical care appointments. They work in close collaboration with refugee resettlement agencies to ensure refugees receive the maximum benefit from services available to them.
Refugee Health Case Managers are currently located in Duval, Hillsborough, and Orange counties.
Duval County
515 West 6th Street
Jacksonville, FL 32206
Main Line: 904-253-1110
Appointment Line: 904-253-1740
Hillsborough County
2002 E. 26th Ave
Tampa, FL 33605
Main Line: 813-307-8078
Appointment Line: 813-307-8077
Orange County
832 W. Central Blvd., Rm 152
Orlando, FL 32305
Main Line: 407-836-2600
Appointment Line: 407-836-7105
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