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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Training and Exercise: Quality Assurance Review

Contact: Florida Health

The Quality Assurance Review process has been established to evaluate and track the appropriateness and effectiveness of the preparedness trainings and exercises supported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) and Public Health Preparedness (PHP) grant funds and offered throughout Florida for those in public health and medical preparedness and response.


Q & A Review Criteria 

Trainings and Exercises that MUST be reviewed

  • Preparedness trainings and exercises targeting statewide or multi-state audiences or more than one region; and/or
  • Preparedness trainings and exercises sponsored by the Florida Department of Health and supported by or utilizing resources (including preparedness funded positions) provided through CDC and/or ASPR grant funds

Trainings and Exercises that will NOT be reviewed

  • Trainings and exercises for individual county health departments, hospitals and other organizations, designed to meet their specific needs
  • Federal training courses (i.e., FEMA's ICS courses)
  • Federal exercises
  • Expedited trainings or exercises developed as part of a declared Public Health Emergency under the direction and review of a Public Health Incident Management Team and appropriate subject matter experts. Materials developed will be shared with the Quality Assurance Tier Review Committee but are not held to the same process deadlines.

Questions & Answers 

Q. Can I get help with developing a training/exercise?
A. Yes. The Training and Exercise Section is here to support, mentor and guide you through the process. Send an email asking for assistance to

Q. Are there resources to assist with developing a training and/or exercise?
A. Yes. Select the “Resource” button and you will be able to download documents.

Q. I am ready to submit a training and/or exercise for tier review. What is the process and what should I submit?
A. Once you submit your training and/or exercise, the documents are compiled and sent to the Tier I Committee for review. The review is scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The following documents should be submitted for each training and/or exercise:




Contact for Training Form


Contact for Exercise form 

PowerPoint or other Presentations


Operations-Based (drills, functional, or full scale)

Discussion-Based (games, seminars, tabletops, workshops)

Participant/Student Guide


Exercise Plan

Situation Manual

Instructor Guide (for instructor-led courses)


Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs)

Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs) (if applicable)

Instructor Resume/CV


Master Scenario Event List

Facilitator Guide

Pre and Post-test or other learning evaluations tools


Controller/Evaluator Handbook

PowerPoint or other Presentation

Feedback or Evaluation Forms


Feedback/Evaluation Form

Feedback/Evaluation Form

Other documents that support the training


Other documents to support the exercise


 button that says Resources

Review Schedule and Submission Deadlines 

Submission DeadlineTier 1 Review Date

The Training and Exercise submission, review schedules for 2022 are still being determined.

Trainings and exercises approved by Tier I will be submitted for review to the Tier II Committee for final approval.

Tier II Committee (Program Preparedness Council) members meet  the 1st week of each month.