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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Chemical Threat (CT) Preparedness Training

Bureau of Public Health Laboratories

BPHL Chemical Threat Trainer

Angela Ren
BPHL – Tampa
3602 Spectrum Blvd
Tampa, FL 33612
Office: 813-233-2293
Cell: 813-363-0623

Zena Johnson
BPHL – Jacksonville
1217 N. Pearl Street
Jacksonville, Florida  32202
Office:    904-791-1719
Cell:    904-637-9286

The Chemical Threat (CT) laboratory coordinators continue to reach out to the health and medical community by offering training for CT preparedness at hospitals and county health departments (CHDs). This training covers chemical terrorism awareness and the collection and shipping of clinical specimens after a chemical threat event. Hospital and CHD staff play an important role in the response to a chemical exposure event when clinical specimens are collected for analysis. This course last approximately one hour and for your convenience and to increase participation, this training can be presented at your facility. Training manuals and “hands-on” exercise materials will be provided.

This training is recommended for physicians, nurses, epidemiologists, emergency department personnel, phlebotomists, hospital and health department laboratory personnel and others who may collect clinical specimens. Please contact Angela Ren at (813) 233-2293 or Michelle Latona at 904-791-1525 to schedule a class for your facility.