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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Diabetes Advisory Council

Contact the Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention

Welcome to the Florida Diabetes Advisory Council Website

The Diabetes Advisory Council is a statutorily mandated (385.203, F.S.) group that was created to guide a statewide comprehensive approach to diabetes prevention, diagnosis, education, care, treatment, impact, and costs.  The Diabetes Advisory Council serves as the advisory unit to the Department of Health, other governmental agencies, professional and other organizations, and the general public. The council provides statewide leadership to continuously improve the lives of Floridians with diabetes and reduce the burden of diabetes.  The Diabetes Advisory Council makes specific recommendations to the State Surgeon General regarding the public health aspects of the prevention and control of diabetes.

Diabetes Legislative Report

The Diabetes Advisory Council, in conjunction with the Department of Health, the Agency for Health Care Administration, and the Department of Management Services, submit biennial reports on diabetes to the Governor, Speaker of the House, and President of the Senate.