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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Biomedical Waste Program

Contact the Biomedical Waste Program

Personal Disposal of Needles

There are several locations in Florida that have needle collection sites to assist residents in safely disposing of needles, syringes with needles and lancets. 

Find a location near you. 


Renew your permit online by creating an account, referencing your billing ID # (BID#) and permit number.  If you are unable to create or access your account, you may pay your permit fees by contacting your local county health department.

Apply for a biomedical waste generator permit by completing an Application for Biomedical Waste Generator Permit/Exemption (form DH4089) and submit along with the permit fee to your local county health department in the county the business is located, and to discuss if there are any additional local fees for the permit.

The Biomedical Waste Program works to protect health care workers, environmental health staff, biomedical waste transporters, and the general public from risks associated with potentially infectious biomedical waste.

There are approximately 50,000 facilities in Florida that generate biomedical waste, including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, laboratories, funeral homes, dentists, veterinarians, physicians, pharmacies, body piercing and tattoo shops, transporters, and storage and treatment facilities. 

Both the Florida Department of Health (DOH) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) have responsibilities under this program.

  • DOH has primary authority and responsibility for facilities that generate, transport, store, or treat biomedical waste through processes other than incineration. 
  • DEP has primary responsibility for biomedical waste incineration and final disposal.

When biomedical waste is improperly managed, it places health care workers, sanitation workers, and the general public at risk for contracting dangerous diseases. 

Residential Biomedical Waste

Biomedical waste generated by individuals in their own homes from use of syringes or diagnostic lancets also should be properly managed. Many homeowners can find assistance through a local county needle collection program.

When biomedical waste is produced in a home through injury or other major traumatic conditions, the guidelines for home cleanup of biomedical waste provides information for proper clean-up, or trauma scene clean-up providers can be contacted to manage site decontamination.


Complaints concerning biomedical waste are investigated by local county health departments

  • Small amounts of improperly disposed biomedical waste are cleaned up under Florida Department of Health supervision.
  • Emergency situations are referred to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Bureau of Emergency Response at 850-245-2010.

The Department maintains inspection data for Biomedical Waste establishments.

Permitting Requirements and Florida Laws

Biomedical Waste Generator Permit/Exemption

Complete the Application for Biomedical Waste Generator Permit/Exemption (form DH4089) and submit along with the permit fee to your local county health department in the county the business is located, and to discuss if there are any additional local fees for the permit.

Permit Renewals

Renew your permit online and create an account referencing your billing ID # (BID#) and permit number. If you are unable to create or access your account, you may pay your permit fees by contacting your local county health department.

Florida Laws

The following provides guidance to facilities that generate biomedical waste to aid them in ensuring proper management of that waste.

Section 381.0098, Florida Statutes

Chapter 64E-16, of the Florida Administrative Code includes established parameters for the safe handling and treatment of biomedical waste. Commercial biomedical waste treatment facilities and red bags for biomedical waste containment that meet the rule standards. Other red bags also may be used if they meet or exceed the construction standards required by Chapter 64E-16, F.A.C. The rule also instructs biomedical waste facilities in providing training to personnel whose responsibilities include some aspect of managing biomedical waste. Personnel should receive training prior to assuming any duties associated with biomedical waste and receive an annual refresher course.

Many facilities have their biomedical waste removed by a registered biomedical waste transporter.

Program Funding

The 1993 Florida Legislature provided funding for the Biomedical Waste Program from the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund.

Additional funding is provided through the annual registration of biomedical waste transporters and the annual permitting of storage and treatment facilities plus those generating facilities that produce at least 25 pounds of biomedical waste in any 30-day period of the year.

About 50,000 such facilities are inspected annually. However, the approximately 13,000 generating facilities that produce less than 25 pounds of biomedical waste in each 30-day period of the year are exempt from from the permit fee, and are inspected once every three years.

Additional Resources