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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Trauma Registry

Trauma Section


The Florida Department of Health is introducing a new Trauma Registry to all trauma hospitals. A statewide training session was held on February 14, 2025, to familiarize trauma centers with the new registry through biospatial. A link to the training video is provided below for facilities that could not attend:

The Department appreciates the efforts of Florida hospitals to collect and submit trauma data, ensuring optimal care for severely injured Florida residents and visitors. Trauma centers are now requested to begin uploading both historical and current data to the registry.

Access has been granted to designated individuals at each trauma center. Trauma centers are asked to review and maintain the names and contact information of those with registry access by updating essential staff contact information through the Trauma Registry. Please use this link to make changes if registry staff changes occur.

Should you have additional questions, please contact or 850-245-4054.


The Florida Trauma Registry collects patient data from the state's verified and provisional trauma centers, as authorized by section 395.404(1), Florida Statutes.

To be a state-verified trauma center, every facility must maintain a comprehensive database of all injured patients treated in the hospital as a result of a traumatic injury.

The Trauma Registry supports the trauma centers' required activities, including performance improvement, outcomes research, and resource utilization, as well as providing the state public health system with the necessary data for statewide planning and injury prevention initiatives.

Trauma Registry and Data Collection 

The reporting requirements for trauma centers are listed in the Florida Trauma Registry Manual, Data Dictionary, 2017 Edition.

The current data dictionary is incorporated by reference in Rule 64J-2.006, Florida Administrative Code, as were all previous versions. The Florida Trauma Registry Manual, Data Dictionary, 2017 Edition details the requirements for data collection and submission that are mandatory for all Florida trauma centers.

Patients that are discharged on or after January 1, 2017, will fall under the reporting requirements of the Florida Trauma Registry Manual, Data Dictionary, 2017 Edition. The current registry manual is complaint with the National Trauma Data Bank® and the Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP).

Data collected from Florida trauma centers will be submitted through the Trauma Registry, and can be accessed after appropriate credentialing has occurred. Trauma centers should contact the administrator of their local system for appropriate credentialing.

Trauma Center Registry Reporting Schedule
Quarter 1January 1 - March 31May 2 - June 1
Quarter 2April 1 - June 30August 1 - September 1
Quarter 3July 1 - September 30November 1 - December 31
Quarter 4October 1 - December 31February 1 - March 1

Acute Care Hospital Participation 

The Department is preparing to reactivate the trauma registry for all acute care hospitals. To ensure uninterrupted access, hospitals should complete the Florida Trauma Registry User Access Request Form in ReadyOp. Once initial access is established for each hospital, the hospital's trauma registry administrator can add sub users within the Trauma Registry.

Since January 1, 2015, all acute care hospitals must submit trauma case data to the registry. The upgraded system will allow for direct data entry or raw data uploads via the web application.

Reporting requirements and data formats are detailed in the Florida Acute Care Trauma Registry Manual, 2016 Edition. These requirements apply to patients discharged on or after January 1, 2016.

Acute Care Registry Reporting Schedule
Final Submission Due Dates
Quarter 1January 1 - March 31 DischargesDue July 1
Quarter 2April 1 - June 30 DischargesDue October 1
Quarter 3July 1 - September 30 DischargesDue January 1
Quarter 4October 1 - December 31 DischargesDue April 1

Data Request 

Florida’s Trauma Registry data is confidential and exempt from release as a public record pursuant to sections 395.4025(13) and 401.30(4), F.S. The data request must meet Chapter 405, Florida Statutes, designed to advance medical research or medical education for the purpose of reducing morbidity or mortality.

The Florida Department of Health is dedicated to providing excellent customer service. For information on the Florida's trauma data systems, please contact the Trauma Registry.

For technical assistance regarding the Florida Trauma Registry and related reporting and data collection issues, please call 800-226-1911 (toll-free).


For more information, please contact the Trauma Registry at:

Florida Department of Health
Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support
Trauma Section
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-22
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1738

Phone: 850-245-4054
Fax: 850-488-2512