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Microblading, Permanent Cosmetics, and only Micro-needling Using Pigments, Dye, or Ink

Contact the Tattooing Program

Image of Microblading on a model.

Microblading, Permanent Cosmetics, and ONLY Micro-needling using pigments, dyes, or ink are considered a form of tattooing in the state of Florida. The practice of tattooing in Florida requires licensure as a tattoo artist and must occur in a licensed tattoo establishment. 

New License

A tattoo artist license requires submission of the following to the local county health department having jurisdiction of the tattooing program where you live:

Expired License

An expired tattoo artist license requires submission of the following to the local county health department having jurisdiction of the tattooing program where you live:

Tattoo Establishment License

A tattoo establishment license requires submission of the following items to the local county health department having jurisdiction of the tattooing program where your business is located:

The practice of microblading, permanent cosmetics, and micro-needling also requires a Biomedical Waste Generator’s Permit  as biomedical waste is generated during the procedure (needles, blood contaminated ink and water cups, etc.)

  • $85 state fee - Application and fee should be submitted in the same manner as that for a tattoo establishment license.
  • Contact city/county for potential need for business tax receipt.

All tattoo establishments must pass inspection in compliance with  sections 381.00771-381.00791, Florida Statutes, "The Practice of Tattooing" and Chapter 64E-28, Florida Administrative Code

Guest Tattoo Artist Registration

Photo of Tattoo Convention

Guest tattoo artist registration is required for any tattoo artist who plans to tattoo in Florida and who also holds an active tattoo artist license, registration, or certification issued by a jurisdiction outside Florida.

The tattoo artist is required to have completed a bloodborne pathogens and communicable diseases training that is comparable or exceeding those requirements specified in Rule 64E-28.006, Florida Administrative Code. Guest registration is valid up to 14 consecutive days in Florida. 

Guest tattoo artist registration requires the following:

  • Completed Application for Guest Tattoo Artist Registration ($35).
    • Application must be completed with the name of the licensed tattoo establishment where the tattoo artist will perform tattooing or intends to perform tattooing.
  • Copy of government-issued photo ID proving 18 years of age or older.
  • Proof of active license, registration, or certification outside of Florida
  • Copy of the certificate of training proving completion of approved 3-hour bloodborne pathogens and communicable diseases courseor proof that the requirement has been met for issuance of a license, registration, or certification in a jurisdiction outside of the state.

Review the Guest Tattoo Artist Registration Guide  to ensure Florida will recognize your state’s tattoo artist license. Submission of the wrong application will delay your licensure. 

If your state does not require a tattoo artist license registration or certification, you must apply for a Florida Tattoo Artist License.