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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Poster Contest
Radon and Indoor Air Program
- For Florida Information: 850-245-4288 or 800-543-8279
850-487-0864 -
Mailing Address
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Environmental Public Health, Radon Program
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A08
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Radon Fact Sheet
2026 Poster Contest
Each year, Florida participates in the National Radon Poster Contest. Florida has had eight winners at the national level since 2008. The posters will be reproduced and distributed nationwide to promote radon awareness and testing of homes, schools and other buildings during National Radon Action Month in January and throughout the year. For questions contact the radon program at 800-543-8279.
2025 Radon Poster Contest Winners
1st: Olivia Rieder, RJ Murray Middle School, Poster: Radon Causes Lung Cancer
2nd: Zoe Lavy, Indian Ridge Middle School, Poster: I Want You to Test Your Home For Radon!
3rd: Michael Yin, Omni Middle School, Poster: Radon, The Invisible Death
Honorable mention: Francesca Rivero, Sarasota School of Art, Poster: Dont Let Radon Take Over
We honor and congratulate the 2025 winners! You may view an archive of award-winning posters from 2007 through 2015. You may view the national contest for 2025 and past years by signing in at Also, the top 12 posters have been made into a calendar for 2025.
- Information for Future Contests
- Poster Artwork Requirements
- Tips for a Winning Poster
Choose from the following Poster Topics:
- What is radon?
- Where does radon come from?
- How does radon get into our homes?
- Radon can cause lung cancer
- Test your home for radon
Before choosing a topic, click on the Home page and the various links on the left to learn more about radon.
Judging Criteria:
- Content accuracy on radon
- Visual communication of topic
- Reproducibility (larger letters, good contrast)
- Originality
- No grammatical and/or typographical errors
- Be original
- Must not have student’s name on the front
- Should include a title on the front
- Topic and title must be on the Artwork Submission Form
- White paper - 12 x 18 size is preferred, but all submission sizes will be accepted (preferred sizes is for easier reproducibility)
- Can be created with crayon, markers, paint (watercolor, tempera, acrylic), collage, photographs or computer graphics
- Lettering and message should be large enough to reproduce well, with all pencil markings erased
- Copyrighted characters, product logos and trademarked or brand names cannot be used.
- Read the rules/guidelines carefully and follow the directions.
- Research the topic. Go to the radon home page and other radon websites (EPA)
- Be sure the information that you put on the poster is correct, including spelling (your poster is a billboard advertisement on this topic).
- Be CREATIVE. Come up with a catchy idea/ideas.
- Start out by drawing or sketching your idea or ideas onto regular paper.
- Ask adults to critique your ideas and tell you what they think.
- Be neat and clean. Try not to smudge the pencil or markers.
- Lettering should be 1 to 2 inches tall so it is easy to read from a distance.
- You can use stencils to help you do neat lettering.
- Do not write long sentences, but use short phrases (be sure that all your words are spelled correctly). Commonly misspelled words include "odor/odorless," "radon," (not "randon" or "random"), "invisible," and "tasteless." Be sure to double-check.
- Do not run your letters and words all together. Leave space between each word.
- Do not put too much information on the paper (becomes too cluttered).
- Draw a picture or pictures that help to teach your idea or message.
- Do not draw really small or put too many drawings on your paper.
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