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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Emergency Preparedness & Response

Contact: Florida Health

Preparedness and Response Information from the Florida Division of Emergency Management at

Download the Public Health Care Preparedness (PHHP) 2014-17 Strategic Plan

Prepare Yourself
Tools and resources to help you and your family prepare for any disaster. You will also find information about current hazards and important information on what to do before, during, and after public health emergencies.
Community Preparedness
Community Resilience relies on the ability to develop informed, empowered, and resilient health care systems and residents.
Health Care System Preparedness
Health Care System Preparedness ensures that there is capacity and capability for provision of critical public health and medical services in order to reduce the potential for adverse health outcomes during any event.
Preparedness Training, Exercise, and Evaluation
Ensuring that Florida's public health and health care system along with our supporting partners are properly trained, practice their response roles, perform response duties, and are prepared to respond to any and all hazards.
Preparedness Planning
Provides for a systematic framework to develop, implement, evaluate, and improve plans across the emergency management cycle.
Disaster Response Resources
Florida's disaster response teams as well as the resources to stay informed and ensure that plans, personnel, equipment, and systems are in place to protect the safety and health of responders.