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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Tattooing Frequently Asked Questions

Contact the Tattooing Program

1. How do I obtain a Tattoo Artist License?

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2. How do I reactivate a Tattoo Artist License?

  • To reactivate a Tattoo Artist License, complete an Application for Tattoo Artist License (154kb PDF) and submit it, along with $85 (the $60 license fee and $25 reactivation fee), to the local Department of Health office in the county having jurisdiction of the tattoo program in the county in which you reside.  Please make sure to check "Renewal" at the top of the Application, which follows the statement "Type of License."   It is also recommended that you contact the local Department of Health office to learn if there are any additional local fees for the license renewal.

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3. How long does it take to receive the Tattoo Artist License?

  • Applications are processed in accordance with Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, which allows the Department 30 days from the date the application is received to deem it complete or incomplete and 90 days to process complete applications.  Tattoo applications are generally processed in a shorter period of time. Contact the local Department of Health office for further details.

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4. What courses are approved for the Bloodborne Pathogen Training?

  • You may access all Department approved providers for the Bloodborne Pathogen and Communicable Diseases Course using the following link: Bloodborne Pathogen Course Providers.
  • Please note, some providers have several versions of bloodborne pathogen courses which are specific to a particular state's requirements. Be sure that you have completed a course specific to Florida's requirements found in Rule 64E-28.006, Florida Administrative Code.

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5. Is an apprenticeship required to obtain the Tattoo Artist License in the state of Florida?

  • No.  An Apprenticeship is not required in the state of Florida to apply for the Tattoo Artist License (154kb PDF).

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6. Who will send the Tattoo Artist License to me?

  • The Application for Tattoo Artist License is processed by the local Department of Health office having jurisdiction of the program in the county in which you reside.

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7. Is the Tattoo Establishment License transferrable from location to location?

  • No.  A Tattoo Establishment License is not transferrable (58.2kb PDF) from one location to another.
  • Should you wish to relocate your tattoo establishment, you will need to begin the licensure process by submitting a completed Application for Tattoo Establishment License (44kb PDF) to the local Department of Health office and scheduling an inspection. A new license must be issued before practicing tattooing at the new location.


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8. Do I have to include the "Name of Licensed Establishment" and "Department of Health License Number" on my application?

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9. Is the Tattoo Establishment License transferrable from person to person?

  • No.  A Tattoo Establishment License is not transferrable (58.2kb PDF) from one person to another.
  • Should you purchase a tattoo shop, you will need to begin the licensure process by submitting a completed Application for Tattoo Establishment License (44kb PDF) to the local Department of Health office and scheduling an inspection. A new license must be issued before practicing tattooing under the new ownership.

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10. When should I apply for the Tattoo Artist License?

  • Once you have completed the required bloodborne pathogen and communicable diseases training course and decided where you intend to practice tattooing, submit your completed application.

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11. How do I obtain a copy of my Tattoo Artist or Establishment License?

  • To obtain a copy of the Tattoo Artist License, please contact the local Department of Health office in the county having jurisdiction of the tattooing program in the county in which you reside.
  • To obtain a copy of the Tattoo Establishment License, please contact the local Department of Health office in the county having jurisdiction of the tattooing program in the county in which the business resides.

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12. Are minors allowed to get a tattoo in the state of Florida

  • Minors of the age 16 through 17 may get a tattoo in the state of Florida as long as:
    • The minor child is accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian;
    • The minor child and his or her parent or legal guardian each submit proof of his or her identity by producing a government-issued photo identification.  If the photo identification for the minor does not show a birth date, a copy of the minor's birth certificate is required;
    • The parent or legal guardian submits his or her written notarized consent in the format prescribed by the Department; and
    • The parent or legal guardian submits proof that he or she is the parent or legal guardian of the minor child.

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13. Can I renew my Tattoo Artist License online?

  • Yes; provided you have received your billing invoice; Licenses may be renewed through; Please note that although you may submit your payment online, you must submit a completed Application for Tattoo Artist License (154kb PDF) to the local Department of Health office.  Licenses will not be issued without receiving both, payment and application.

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14. Can I submit an application online?

  • No.  At this time, all applications must be submitted by email, fax, or mail to the local Department of Health.  Please contact your local office for further details.

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15. How do I apply for a mobile tattoo license?

  • The Florida Statutes do not have provisions for a mobile tattoo license. All tattooing must occur in a licensed fixed or temporary tattoo establishment.

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16. If our mobile tattoo unit would be stationary at a Flea Market at all times of operation, could we obtain a tattoo establishment license? What about a temporary license for the same during festivals?

  • The unit must be incapable of being moved in order for it to be licensed as a tattoo establishment.  The application requires the establishment to be a Fixed Location or Temporary Location.  Fixed is defined in Rule 64E-28.002(9), of the Florida Administrative Code, as incapable of being moved.  If you are able to meet this requirement, you may be able to receive an annual license.

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17. Can I get a tattoo license for my mobile tattoo unit?

  • The Florida Statutes do not provide provisions for issuing an annual tattoo establishment license for a mobile tattoo unit.  A temporary tattoo establishment license may be issued for a mobile tattoo unit, providing the tattooing is at a convention or other similar event and the mobile unit meets the same licensure requirements as a permanent tattoo establishment.  The temporary license may be issued for up to 14 consecutive days at a single location.

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18. Does my tattoo license allow me to tattoo at a customer's home?

  • No.  Conventional tattooing and cosmetic tattooing, including permanent makeup and microblading, may only be practiced at a licensed tattoo establishment.

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19. Do I need a license to take a microblading or permanent makeup class?

  • If during your training you will be practicing on a live human model, you will need to apply for a Tattoo Artist License.

  • If you already hold a valid tattoo artist license, certification, or registration from a jurisdiction outside of Florida, you may apply for a Guest Tattoo Artist Registration.

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20. I am not going to charge a fee to anyone I tattoo, do I need a license?

  • Yes.  Regardless of whether you charge a fee, tattooing may only be practiced in a licensed tattoo establishment by a licensed tattoo artist.

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21. What do I need to teach tattooing, permanent makeup or microblading?

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22. I would like to teach the required Blood-borne Pathogens and Communicable Diseases course. What do I need to do?

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23. I took the 3-hour Bloodborne Pathogen course in 2017. Does that certificate expire? It doesn’t state so on the certificate but thought I should ask?

  • The certificate you receive after completing a bloodborne pathogen and communicable disease course does not expire. You are not required to renew this training.

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24. Does cosmetic tattooing fall under the cosmetic portion of the State of Florida Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics License at a licensed facility?

  • Cosmetic Tattooing/Microblading is considered as a form of tattooing in the state of Florida and would not fall under the Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics License.  A Tattoo Artist License is required for any person who plans to practice Microblading/Permanent Cosmetics in Florida.

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25. Who should the check be written to?

  • For the Tattoo Artist License, please make the check payable to the local Department of Health office having jurisdiction of the program in the county in which you reside. 
  • For the Tattoo Establishment License, please make the check payable to the local Department of Health office having jurisdiction of the program in the county in which the business is located.
  • You may access County Health Department contact information using the following link: County Health Department Contact Information

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26. Can I use a portable sink inside a tattoo/microblading establishment?

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27. If I have a cosmetology license, do I need a tattoo artist license to provide microblading (tattooing) services?

  • A person that tattoos the body of any human being is required to obtain a license as a tattoo artist, the exception to this is a person licensed to practice medicine or dentistry under chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 466 who performs tattooing exclusively for medical or dental purposes.

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28. If I am a licensed esthetician do, I also need a tattoo artist license to provide microblading (tattooing) services?

  • A person that tattoos the body of any human being is required to obtain a license as a tattoo artist, the exception to this is a person licensed to practice medicine or dentistry under chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 466 who performs tattooing exclusively for medical or dental purposes

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