It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Public Swimming Pools
Public Swimming Pools Program
- 850-245-4250
850-487-0864 -
Mailing Address
Bureau of Environmental Public Health, Water Programs
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-08
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1710
Public Pool - Operating Permit Online Renewal
Contact your local county health department in the county the pool is located for the following:
- Additional permit renewal options
- Request a copy of permit
- Check status of permit
- Change owner information of public pool operating permit
- Report a pool related health or safety violation
- Request a copy of routine inspection reports
- Request a re-inspection for an existing public swimming pool
Public Swimming Pools Overview
To protect public health, the Florida Department of Health has adopted sanitation and safety standards for public pools in Chapter 64E-9, Florida Administrative Code and enforces those rules through the issuance of operating permits and inspections.
- Rule 64E-9, F.A.C. in tab below was effective 7/20/16 and a section was revised 6/11/2023.
Permitting and inspections are done by the Environmental Public Health section of the Florida Department of Health in each county
- Section 64E-9.004, F.A.C. was revised with updates and swim-up bar standards, effective date: 6/11/2023.
- Florida Statutory Authority
- Governing Rules
- Public Swimming Pool and Bathing Place - Advisory Review Board
- FOR THE PUBLIC: Inspections and Fencing
- Chemical Safety
- FOR BUSINESS: Pool Plans, Health, and Safety Criteria
- Public Pool Service Technicians
- Fecal Accidents
- Forms
- Checklists and Briefings
- Entrapment Protection
- Epsom Salt Float Tanks
- Virginia Graeme Baker Federal Pool and Spa Safety Act
- Links
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 64E-9, F.A.C., effective 7-20-2016 and .004 - effective 6-11-2023
- 64E-9.004, F.A.C., revision - effective 6-11-2023
- FBC Swim-Up Bar building code revision - updated 2023
- FAC 64E-9 Letter - Rule Revision Bulletin
- DCEH 24-001 Memo Amendment Rule Revisions 64E-9.004 Test Kit
Purpose, Membership, Agendas, and Notices of Meetings
Variance Board Meetings
The board meets on the second Wednesday of odd numbered months. Meetings are conducted via conference call beginning at 9 a.m. on the meeting date.
2025-26 Board Meeting Calendar
Complete, collated variance packages are due in the State Health Office by October 29, 2024.
For detailed information, and to avoid any delay in processing your application(s) please refer to the Public Swimming Pool Variance Application Submission Checklist.
To be placed on the next scheduled variance board meeting, you will need to submit:
- Eight collated hard copy sets of the completed variance application, along with any supporting documentation, no later than 2 p.m. on the deadline dates, above.
- When sending your variance application(s), all eight sets must be complete.
If you will be speaking on behalf of a client, a letter of owner authorization, with their contact information including email address will be required before a variance will be processed. Include a check, made out to the Florida Department of Health, for the $300 application fee.
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state officials regarding state business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure.
If you are requesting a variance for more than one public pool, at the same property, even for identical issues, each separate water body must have a separate variance application with a separate $300 fee and 8 copies of the above-required documents.
If you have any questions, please contact 850-901-6499 or
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state officials regarding state business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure.
USPS Mailing Address:
FedEx/UPS Shipping Address:
Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this workshop/meeting is asked to advise the agency at least three days before the workshop/meeting by contacting the variance coordinator.
If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, 800-955-8771 (TDD) or 800-955-8770 (Voice).
Board Membership
Section 514.028, F.S., requires the Governor’s appointed advisory board to be comprised of:
- Representative from the office of licensure and certification of the department. (Vacant)
- Representative from the county health departments. (Vacant)
- Three representatives from the swimming pool construction industry. (Incumbents Jim LePetrie, P.E., Wet Engineering; Fred “Corky” Williams, National Pools; and Michael Kelly, Kelly Pools, Inc.)
- Representative from the public lodging industry. (Incumbent Jeff Kosik, Walt Disney World)
- Representative from a county or local building department. (Incumbent Alan C. Plante, Manager, CBO, Orange County Division of Building Safety)
To inquire to become a board member, please contact the Governor’s Appointment Office.
Private Pool Fencing
For private pool fencing criteria to prevent drowning, referenced in Chapter 515, F.S, visit CPSC's Safety Barrier Guidelines for Home Pools.(opens in new window)
Where do I send my pool plans?
As of October 1, 2014, changes to Chapters 514 and 553, F.S., require an application for an operating permit must be submitted to the Florida Department of Health before the building department can issue a construction or modification permit for a public pool.
The DH4159: Application For Swimming Pool Operating Permit and the permitting sequence is found in the next section below. The building department cannot issue a certificate of completion or occupancy until the Florida Department of Health issues the operating permit.
We recommend you contact the Department at least a week before the planned opening. Program office staff is available in Tallahassee at 850-901-6517, or Orlando at 850-274-2928, to answer any questions.
DOH Permit Application and Permitting Sequence
An individual who services a public pool by maintaining the cleanliness, water quality, and chemical balance of public pools shall be certified. To be certified an individual must demonstrate knowledge of public pools.
Examples of such knowledge include: pool cleaning, general pool maintenance, make-up water supply, bacteriological, chemical and physical quality of water, water purification, testing, treatment, and disinfection procedures.
To ensure that the pool technicians are knowledgeable, technicians shall attend a minimum 16 hour training course of national recognition that is approved by the Florida Department of Health and pass a Department-approved test.
Section 514.075, F.S. allows the owner or owner’s direct employee to operate a pool without being certified, and allows a pool servicing contractor who is licensed under Chapter 489, F.S. )
View tips on preventing fecal accidents and response procedures, as well as help in determining the time frame and how much liquid chlorine should be added to your pool to sanitize and re-open the pool after an accident.
These forms are available for download in a "fill-in" rich text format (rtf). If you are not familiar with problems that may arise using this type of form, please download the read_me (rtf) file.
- DH4157: Pool Owner/Operator Verification of Entrapment Safety Features
- DH4158: Bathing Place Bacteria Advisory
- DH4159: Application For Swimming Pool Operating Permit - formerly DH918
- DH4159: Application For Swimming Pool Operating Permit Instructions
- DH921: Monthly Swimming Pool Report
- DH1704: Application for Swimming Pool Exempt Status - more than 32 units
- DH4065: Application for Swimming Pool Exempt Status - 32 units or less
- DH4080: Application for Variance from Chapter 64E-9, F.A.C. - swimming pools and bathing places
- DH4080: Application for Variance from Chapter 64E-9, F.A.C. - swimming pools and bathing places
- Public Pool Resurfacing Notification Form
- Public Pool Lighting Certification Form
Public Pool Briefings and Statewide Public Pool List for Building Code Officials
DOH Public Pool Briefings and Statewide Public Pool List
NEW – Updated for 2024 8th Edition Florida Building Code: Checklists for Public Pool Plan Review-
- IWF Checklist - FBC 8th Edition
- Pool Slides and River Rides Checklist - FBC 8th Edition
- Pool Checklist - FBC 8th Edition
- Spa Checklist - FBC 8th Edition
- Special Purpose and Resistance Pools Checklist - FBC 8th Edition
- Wading and Water Activity Pools Checklist - FBC 8th Edition
Section 514.0315, F.S., requires all public swimming pools and spas to be equipped with an anti-entrapment system or device that complies with American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.8, or any successor standard.
All new pools and spas are required to use a gravity drainage system that uses a collector tank. The law provides the owner or operator of a public pool or spa several options for pools and spas built before January 1, 1993.
Epsom salt float tank(s) fall under the jurisdiction and regulation responsibilities of the Florida Department of Health, as pools.
Detailed criteria for public pool construction design, equipment requirements, pool operation, and water quality may be found in the Florida Building Code, under section 454 Swimming Pools and Bathing Places, 454.1 Public swimming pools and bathing places, and in Chapter 64E-9, F.A.C., Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Places.
The Department has statewide, approved specific criteria and requirements, through the code variance process allowed by law, for epsom salt float tank manufacturers and specific site installations.
The manufacturer of equipment, which is not included on the statewide list, must submit a aariance application and supporting engineering information to the Florida Department of Health for consideration by the Advisory Review Board.
A DOH permit to operate the float tank is required, and some require building department pool or electrical permits so confirm this with your city or county building department.
The following manufacturers have been granted specific code section variances for their float tank or float room for statewide use, and the variances include requirements for the float tank owners too:
- Royal Spa Float Tank Final Order Granting Petition for Permanent Variance
- Royal Spa Corp Float Tanks - Statewide Variance
- 3385 Superior Float Tanks - Statewide Variance
- Application #3060 - Floataway Epsom Salt Float Tank Products - Statewide Variance Request
To ensure compliance with both state codes, facility owners may need engineering assistance from the device manufacturer for installation and approval of an eepsom salt pool.
On December 19, 2018, a law went into effect that requires retrofit actions to prevent entrapment drowning and injury at all public pools in the United States.
Any individual or organization that wishes to provide a lifeguard or swimming instructor training and certification course in the state of Florida must use a nationally recognized aquatic training program or equivalent, as defined in 64E-9.008(2)(a)2, F.A.C.
- Approved Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor Programs
- Approved Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor Programs docx
For information on submitting your lifeguard or swimming instructor training and certification program for verification of equivalence standards, please contact:
Florida Department of Health,
Bureau of Environmental Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Mail Bin A08
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1710
Healthy swimming provides information on recreational water illnesses and what the public, health professionals, and pool facility operators can do to prevent their transmission.
USEPA Ultraviolet Disinfectant Guidance Manual 11/2006, publication # EPA 815-R-06-007
ANSI Certified Lab’s product listing websites for NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects
- NSF International
- Water Quality Association
- UL LLC - Underwriters Laboratories
ANSI Certified Lab’s Product Listing websites for NSF/ANSI Standard 50 Swimming Pool Products
National Disease Outbreaks Report - associated with treated recreational water nationally for the period 2000-14.
At what temperature should I operate my pool or spa?
To prevent heat stroke, Florida requires that swimming pools (or spa pools) with heaters operate at a maximum temperature of 104° F.
Spa pool rules must also state that the maximum use is 15 minutes. A clock must be visible from the spa pool. There are no other temperature requirements.
The Florida Department of Health does not have a recommended temperature range, as the "ideal" temperature depends upon many factors. These include the activity, age of the patrons, the difference in temperature between the water and surrounding air, and personal preference. It is considered something best worked out between the pool patrons and management.
Does the state have a rule against children in diapers going in public swimming pools?
Florida has no specific rule against children in diapers entering public swimming pools. The use of swim diapers is recommended for children who are not toilet trained.
Can service dogs go into public swimming pools or the pool area?
Service animals are allowed onto the pool deck, but not into the pool. While service dogs are generally allowed to accompany their owners.
Anywhere the public would normally be allowed to go, they may be excluded under certain conditions, such as a threat to the health and safety of others.
The Florida Department of Health considers any animal in a public pool a public health threat.
How do I change the ownership records for a public swimming pool or spa?
Complete sections 1 and 2 of form DH415.
Note any additional changes in the remarks section.
Send the signed and dated form to the Florida Department of Health office in the county that the pool is located in. This must be done within 30 days of the ownership change or a fee will be assessed.
What determines when public swimming pools can remain open?
Pool owners can choose when their pools can be used. There are no required hours that a public swimming pool must be open. However, it cannot be open at night unless the pool and pool deck have proper lighting for the safety of patrons.
The lighting above and below water must be approved by the local building department after a professional conducts a field test. Then, "night swimming approved" will be noted on the pool permit. State code defines night swimming as 30 minutes before sunset to 30 minutes after sunrise.
Pool hours must be posted on the rules sign.
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