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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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State Public Health and Medical Plans

Contact: Florida Health

The Department of Health is the lead agency for Florida’s Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF 8) – Public Health and Medical Services. ESF8 coordinates the development and maintenance of plans, procedures and resources as a part of the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) to ensure Florida can meet a core set of operational missions.

The below diagram depicts the relationship and hierarchy of state-level emergency response planning documents.

Click here for a text version of the above image

Core Mission Implementation Plans: The Public Health and Medical Appendix to the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) established 11 core missions for the public health and medical system during a response. Specific plans and procedures addressing the implementation of the core missions during a response are in the following categories.

Core Mission 1: Support local assessment and identification of public health and medical needs in impacted counties.

Core Mission 2: Coordinate and support the stabilization of the public health and medical system in impacted counties.

Core Mission 3: Support sheltering of persons with medical and functional needs.

Core Mission 4: Monitor and coordinate resources to support the care and movement of persons with medical and functional needs in impacted counties.

Core Mission 5: Support monitoring, investigating and controlling potential or known threats and impacts to human health through surveillance, delivery of medical countermeasures and non-medical interventions.

Core Mission 6: Support monitoring, investigating and controlling potential or known threats to human health of environmental origin.

Core Mission 7: Develop, disseminate and coordinate accurate and timely public health and medical information.

Core Mission 8: Monitor need for and coordinate resources to support fatality management services.

Core Mission 9: Monitor need for and coordinate resources to support disaster behavioral health services.

Core Mission 10: Support responder safety and health needs.

Core Mission 11: Provide public health and medical technical assistance and support.

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