It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Data Dissemination
For general questions regarding the registry:
- 850-245-4585
Mailing Address
Public Health Research Unit
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-24
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1720
To report cancer cases, please
visit the Florida Cancer Data
System (FCDS) website at:
- FCDS data are utilized in a variety of ways:
- To monitor the occurrence of cancer
- To inform health professionals and to educate citizens regarding specific cancer risks
- To answer public questions and concerns about cancer in their communities
- To focus cancer control initiatives and activities
- To develop health services and screening programs
- To serve as a data source for cancer research studies and trials on cancer etiology, cancer prevention and intervention, and quality of life of cancer patients and survivors.
Interactive Data Query available at: to obtain cancer statistics (i.e. the incidence rate) based on the selection of the cancer site, diagnosis year, state or county, gender, and race.
A Public Use File is available upon request and provides cancer data, stripped of identifying information and anonymized for certain specific rare cancers.
- Variables in the Public Use File
- Public Use File Agreement Form
Data Extraction and Data Analysis Requests (Statistical and Tabular Data)
Cancer registry staff is available to assist on statistical analyses of data. Because each request is unique, cancer registry staff will discuss the project with the requestor to verify the type of data required and determine the feasibility of fulfilling the request (availability of data, timeframe for fulfillment of the data request, etc.). Based on this information, an estimate of the cost is provided for the statistical analysis and programming conducted by the cancer registry staff.
Research Studies/Projects
For research studies/projects requiring confidential data from the FCDS to conduct research for clinical trials, follow-up studies, etc., data can be obtained upon review and approval from the Department of Health.
Data Release Procedures (pdf - 31 kB)
Confidential Request Procedure Guide (pdf - 222 kB)
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