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TB Control Section Employee Phone List

TB Control Section

  •  850-245-4350



    Mailing Address

    Florida Department of Health 

    4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-09 

    Tallahassee, Florida 32399 

Colleen Lenfestey, TB Section Administrator850-245-4432850-408-1868
Marcayla Gurley, Administrative Assistant I850-245-4350
Stephanie Dulin850-901-6815
Lori Johnston, Interim Field Operations Manager813-299-1295
Erin Adams, Health Data Analyst   850-245-4316
Sanora Shackelford, System Program Consultant850-901-6708850-815-1788
Vacant, Public Health Associate850-901-6980
Dave Ashkin, Medical Director561-266-6632
Maria Gomez, Government Operations Consultant I561-266-6632561-662-5947
Sherrie Arnwine, Nursing DirectorN/A850-491-9147
Rebecca Tuttle-Villegas, OMC Manager850-544-0679
Ethel Ingram, Incentive/Enabler Coordinator850-901-6814
Mary Green, Housing, Telehealth & Video DOT Coordinator850-245-4317850-408-0301
Pamela Nelson, Registered Nursing ConsultantN/A850-879-8633
Christine Jackson, Registered Nursing ConsultantN/A386-523-6132
Jennifer Greenlee, Registered Nursing ConsultantN/A850-879-5857
Lisa Meronek-Grillo, Registered Nursing ConsultantN/A561-516-9098
Lori Johnston, Surveillance Manager813-299-1295
Vacant, Interjurisdictional Notification Coordinator850-245-4527
Lina Dominique TB Molecular Surveillance Epidemiologist850-901-6808
Data Systems
Sindy Steinberg, Business Analyst239-872-1609
TB Program general contact information
Physical Address: 4025 Esplanade Way, FL 32399-1717
Mailing Address: 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A-09, FL 32399
Phone 850-245-4350
Fax 850-921-9906