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FHA HUD Requirements

Radon and Indoor Air Program

Federal Housing Commissioner Takes Action on Radon

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In a 2006 letter, Brian Montgomery, the Federal Housing Commissioner at Housing and Urban Development (HUD) informed Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgagees about revisions to its home inspection form (HUD-92564-CN). There is a section on radon testing including the EPA and U.S. Surgeon General’s recommendation that all homes be tested. EPA's 1-800-SOS-Radon hotline is also mentioned. Mortgagees are required to provide the form to prospective homebuyers at first contact. The form is mandatory for all FHA-insured forward mortgages. This requirement potentially reaches millions of homebuyers.

One of the tenets of HUD’s Environmental policy is stated at § 50.3(i)(1) which requires that property proposed for HUD programs be free of “radioactive substances where [they] could affect the health and safety of occupants.”  Additionally, businesses measuring radon in HUD housing must be certified at the state level as well as have a certification from the National Radon Safety Board and/or the National Radon Proficiency Program.

You can read about the Federal Radon Action Plan and see how it has evolved since 2011. You may also refer to HUD's Multifamily Accelerated Processing Guide.

On January 19, 2023, the Federal Housing Finance Agency announced enhancements to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's radon standards for multifamily buildings.

The "Protocol for Conducting Measurements of Radon and Radon Decay Products in Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Buildings" (ANSI/AARST MA-MFLB-2023) can be downloaded from the ANSI/AARST compilation of standards.