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Certified radon Specialists and Technicians must provide radon services only through affiliation with a Florida certified radon business.

Mitigation Individuals

Radon and Indoor Air Program

Certified Radon Mitigation Specialists and Technicians

This list of Florida certified radon mitigation specialists and technicians is provided so you may confirm that the individual providing professional radon services is currently certified.

It is a violation of Chapter 404, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64E-5, Florida Administrative Code, to provide radon services without having a valid radon certification from the Florida Department of Health, and affiliation with a certified business. Businesses and individuals will be fined or may lose their certificates for non-compliance.

Use the list of Florida Certified Radon Mitigation Businesses to hire a radon-mitigtation provider. Businesses and Individuals are certified to provide services statewide (some may provide services in smaller geographic areas). 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the business or individuals providing radon services, or to verify a certificate please contact the Radon Program at 800-543-8279.

List last updated on: 3/7/2025

Mitigation Specialists

NameCity, StateExpiration Date
Becker, Alvin RSarasota, Florida2/20/2026
Benson, RyanNaples, Florida2/6/2026
Boik, Richard S.Apopka, Florida8/24/2025
Boumeester, MichaelWesley Chapel, Florida5/16/2025
Brugal, NicholasNaples, Florida7/31/2025
Davenport, TonyJacksonville Beach, Florida3/10/2025
Davis Jr., JohnMidlothian, Virginia1/30/2026
Dean, Jr., Wayne P.Cape Coral, Florida8/6/2025
Drake, Bart J.Marco Island, Florida12/16/2025
Fell, P.G., Madeline A.Coral Springs, Florida1/11/2026
Flemming, MichaelTallahassee, Florida11/15/2025
Garofalo, Ralph JNaples, Florida4/24/2025
Gonzalez, Jorge LHialeah, Florida8/13/2025
Greene, Robert B.Tampa, Florida2/5/2026
Greene, Sr., Kenneth E.Odessa, Florida3/25/2025
Holden, RichardFlagler Beach, Florida5/15/2025
Howell, JeffAtlanta, Georgia3/14/2026
Howell, KurtGainesville, Florida5/16/2025
Howell, Terry E.Atlanta, Georgia3/14/2026
Koch, MattChamblee, Georgia9/18/2025
Lauer, GregLouisville, Kentucky5/29/2025
Levin, AlonFort Lauderdale, Florida12/16/2025
Lochen, JeremyNaples, 3412012/7/2025
McDonough, Susan E.Lakeland, Florida12/21/2025
Mighell, GaryNaples, Florida11/15/2025
Milliken, RobertFt. Myers, Florida4/5/2026
Mills, Daniel J.Bonita Springs, Florida11/26/2025
Moore, Merle O.Bonita Springs, Florida11/30/2025
Oggier, DawnTrenton, Florida2/6/2026
Otazo, Julio O.Coral Gables, Florida3/19/2026
Oven, Jr., Raney A.Tallahassee, Florida6/2/2025
Oven, Raney WilliamTallahassee, Florida1/27/2026
Raphael, JacquesBelleview, Florida1/10/2026
Ricker, Nathan JohnLewis Center, Ohio3/10/2026
Shay, James JCrystal River, Florida12/26/2025
Shinall, Christopher S.Jacksonville Beach, Florida4/5/2025
Simmons, Kevin DValrico, Florida12/3/2025
Smith, Douglas KirkTampa, Florida6/30/2025
Smith, StaceyTallahassee, Florida2/6/2026
Villoldo, StephenMiami, Florida12/29/2025
Winslow, P.E., KellyStuart, Florida11/18/2025
Wirtjes, SteveBonita Springs, Florida4/21/2025
Wolf, DanielTampa, Florida4/14/2025
Yacobacci, GeneNaples, Florida5/16/2025
Zednek, ScottPompano Beach, Florida2/23/2026
Zetzman, GreggSarasota, Florida6/1/2025
Zeyrek, OmerMiami, Florida1/27/2026

Mitigation Technicians

NameCity, StateExpiration Date
Ulrich, ChristopherOcala, Florida3/1/2026
Zetzman, AlissaSarasota, Florida4/19/2025