It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
Radon and Indoor Air Program
- For Florida Information: 850-245-4288 or 800-543-8279
850-487-0864 -
Mailing Address
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Environmental Public Health, Radon Program
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A08
Tallahassee, FL 32399
The Department of Health Radon and Indoor Air Quality program was original created by the State Legislature in 1988 as the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Radiation Control / Radon Program, a statewide program responsible for aiding the public in protecting itself from unnecessary radiation exposure from radon. Over time the program has evolved and now can supply technical information in dealing with general indoor environmental or air quality and toxicology-related exposure issues. The program, now part of the Public Health Toxicology Section, includes a statewide coordinator for indoor air quality in addition to the radon group.
All individuals listed on this page may be contacted in writing, by phone, by fax or by email:
Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing (F.S. 668.6076)
Mailing Address
Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Environmental Public Health
Radon and Indoor Air Quality
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #A08
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone Numbers:
Fax: 850-487-0864
For questions concerning the following program areas, contact the person listed below by sending an e-mail to Include the name of the individual name you would like to contact in the subject line:
You may find additional contact information at Online Telephone Directory.
Program Administrator: Michelle Dale
General Radon Information:
Michelle Dale, Jeremiah Hodge or Wennie Caasi
Radon Certification Program: Wennie Caasi
Indoor Air Quality:
Tim Wallace, Jeremiah Hodge, Wennie Caasi or Michelle Dale
County Health Department Measurement Individuals
Below is a list of county contacts for radon questions. They can be contacted to answer most radon questions other than certification.
List Updated 10/26/2023
County | Contact | Phone |
Alachua | Todd Harris | 352-334-7932 |
Anthony Dennis | 352-334-7931 | |
Lake | Heather O'Malley | 352-253-6130 |
Nassau | Michael Godwin | 904-557-9152 |
Okaloosa | Trisha Dall | 850-603-6524 |
Okeechobee | Dianna May | 863-462-5760 |
Palm Beach | Daniel Ukpong | 561-837-5938 |
Sarasota | Jennifer Clemente | 941-861-3531 |
Kent Macci | 941-861-3324 |
Web Manager: Jeremiah Hodge
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