It's a New Day in Public Health.
The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
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Contact Hours and Continuing Educational Units (CEUs)
Contact the Florida Department of Health
How are Contact Hours and Continuing Educational Units (CEUs) Determined?

- An itemized agenda must be submitted to the program office 30 days in advance of the training to determine the contact hours that may be awarded to the attendees.
- For every one hour of continuing educaiton requested, one clock-hour (60 minutes) of time spent in training is required. Time spent for registration, welcomes, breaks, lunch or exam time does not count towards the contact hours awarded. Conference calls, discussions, and meetings that do not have a specific training component which was reviewed and approved in advance may not be used.
- Examples of subject areas that are acceptable include but are not limited to, Sewage, Water, Super Act, Food Safety and Sanitation, Group Care, Tanning, Mobile Home & RV Parks, Migrant Labor, Biomedical Waste, Tattooing, Body Piercing, Sanitary Nuisances, Certification, Storage Tanks, GIS, GPS, Beach Water Sampling, Radon and Indoor Air Toxins, and more.
- In addition, epidemiology training as it relates to environmental health included but are not limited to, communicable disease control and investigations, lead (Pb) investiagions, foodborne illnesses, waterborne illnesses, enteric diseases, aquatic toxins, rabies, arbovirus, rodents, ticks, and baths and other vectors or vermin.
- Staff providing the education or presentation cannot receive contact hours for the time in which they are presenting the training.
- The group, sponsor, or course provider of the continuing education or training event is responsible for providing documentation to the attendee specifying the total approved contact hours or CEU's. The Certification Program does not issue certificates of attendance to attendees for contact hours for approved agendas.
- Special note: Certain annual mandatory trainings required for DOH employees, such as Violence in the Workplace, Equal Opportunity Awareness, and DOH Code of Ethics are not approved for contact hours.
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