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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Renewal Fees

Certified check or money order should be made payable to the Florida Department of Health.

If renewing BEFORE your license expires, your fees will be:
Active to Active$155.00
Active to Voluntary Inactive$155.00
Active to Inactive$155.00
Inactive to Active$155.00
Active to Retired$55.00
Inactive to Retired$55.00

If renewing AFTER your license expires, your fees will be:
Active to Active$305.00
Active to Voluntary Inactive$305.00
Active to Inactive$405.00
Inactive to Active$405.00
Active to Retired$305.00
Inactive to Retired$305.00

If renewing 120 day Notified Delinquent, your fees will be:
Active to Active$460.00
Active to Voluntary Inactive$460.00
Active to Inactive$460.00
Inactive to Active$460.00
Active to Retired$360.00
Inactive to Retired$360.00

Licenses become Null & Void on February 1, 2027.

By submitting the appropriate renewal fees to the department, a licensee acknowledges compliance with all requirements for renewal, including continuing education.

A licensee who remains on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles and who wishes to reactivate the license may be required to demonstrate competency to resume active practice by sitting for a special purpose examination or by completing other reactivation requirements.