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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Florida’s Strategic National Stockpile Program

Contact: Florida Health

The Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) is part of the federal medical response infrastructure and can supplement medical countermeasures needed by states, tribal nations, territories and the largest metropolitan areas during public health emergencies. The supplies, medicines, and devices for lifesaving care contained in the stockpile can be used as a short-term, stopgap buffer when the immediate supply of these materials may not be available or sufficient. Florida’s medical countermeasure program prepares (through planning, implementation, training, exercise, and evaluation) the state to receive and distribute medical countermeasures and to provide technical assistance to the counties in their preparations for mass dispensing and/or mass vaccination campaigns. (Center for the Strategic National Stockpile)

Additional Resources

Cities Readiness Initiative Resource Toolkit - This toolkit is designed to assist county health department planners and other community partners with Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) and medical countermeasure planning. The sharing of tools, resources, and successful practices can help counties establish, sustain, evaluate, and enhance local projects.


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For technical assistance and questions, please email

Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support, Bureau of Preparedness and Response
Phone Number: 850-245-4040