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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.
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Build an Emergency Supply Kit
Contact: Florida Health
- 850-245-4444
Mailing Address
Florida Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399
To stay safe and ready for any disaster strike, it is important to prepare your family disaster kit by gathering some of the basic supplies. It is also important to place them in a portable container so that you can comfortably carry them in case disaster strikes.
Some items that you will want to include are listed below:
- Water - At least 1 gallon daily per person. You should try to store 3 to 7 days’ worth.
- Food - Enough for 3 to 7 days’ worth.
- Non-Perishable food like canned foods.
- Food for infants like baby formula and food for elderly as well.
- High energy foods like protein bars with long shelf life.
- Non-Electric can opener.
- Cooking tools including means of fuel like Sterno for heating foods.
- Plates and utensils.
- Pet food if applicable.
- First Aid Kit
- Medicine/Prescriptions
- Toiletries
- Suitable Clothing - seasonal, rain gear, proper shoes like boots.
- Flashlights - with batteries or able to be charged by hand crank.
- Radio - with batteries or able to be charged by hand crank and include NOAA weather radio.
- Pet Care Items
- Disaster Supply Tools - utility knife, whistle, pencil, map compass, thread, needles, signal flare, tape, shut-off wrench, eyewear, thermal blankets.
- Important Items - to be stored in a waterproof container.
- Medical records, bank account numbers, social security card, insurance information, telephone of important numbers, cash in case bank ATMs are down, cell phone charger.
Additional Resources
- Red Cross - Get a Kit
- Disaster Supply Kit Checklist - Each individual or family disaster supply kit will differ based on personal needs. Review the list below to help you get started on basic items to include in your kit. Assess your individual and family needs to determine other critical items to include.
- Get A Plan - Tools to create your family or business emergency plan.
- - Build a Kit
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