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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Contact: Florida Health


Public Health Campaigns

illustration image of a beach sceen with the words swim it, shore it and dodge it.

Aquatic Toxins
With so many places in Florida to explore, we sometimes forget our beaches, lakes and rivers are natural places that change with the seasons. Enjoy Florida’s wild and not-so-wild areas, and know when to swim it, shore it or dodge it.

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image of a baby with the Bright Expectations website adress b r I g h t e x p e c t a t I o n s dot c o m

Bright Expectations
Bright Expectations is dedicated to helping Florida residents with unique abilities find the support, resources and inspiration they and their families need to break down barriers, set new expectations, and achieve the brightest futures they can imagine.

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image of a baby with the Bright Expectations website adress b r I g h t e x p e c t a t I o n s dot c o m

Cancer - Florida Cancer Connect
Florida Cancer Connect is a centralized resource hub for cancer patients, caregivers, and loved ones of those involved. Use this tool to access a centralized resource of trusted information from local medical practitioners to help you and your family make informed decisions when it matters most.

Early Steps Program

Early Steps
Early Steps provides free early intervention services to infants and toddlers, from birth to 36 months, with developmental delays, disabilities and at-risk conditions. Services support children where they live, learn and play.

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image of pills

Fentanyl is the main cause of recent increases in synthetic opioid deaths in Florida.

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image of woman holding a phone; also there is text - Today is the day you take control of you health

FL Health Connects
Florida Health Connect is a patient portal that is free to everyone receiving services at any local county health department. The portal allows you to more actively engage with your care team at a time that works best for you, in a protected place for you and your family to securely gather, store, access and share your vital health information.

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text - hand washing, stay healthy. Wash your hands!

Updated Aug. 27, 2018

Stay healthy. Wash your hands!

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image of a person getting a flu shot with the words flu free Florida

The Power to Protect provides immunization information for school age children, expectant mothers, and older adults that protect against disease and influenza.


Heart Health Plus

Heart Health—Plus

Research shows that even small changes to everyday choices can have an overall affect on health. Having the tools that help make those choices is a plus.

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the HIV Prep and Pep toolkit does not have an image associated with it, a blank white image is a default place holder.

HIV Prep and Pep

PrEP every day if you are currently HIV negative and concerned about exposure to the HIV virus. It’s one pill a day and greatly reduces your HIV risk.
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an image of test tubes with the words get tested

HIV Testing
Routine lab work includes HIV testing.

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image of a licensed person performing microblading on a customer


Always use a licensed artist in a licensed facility

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An image of noise spray with text you can save a life prevent overdose carry naloxone.

Overdose - Substance Use Disorder

What is Naloxone? A medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose by attaching to opioid receptors, and reversing and blocking the effects of the drug.

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illustration of a glass of water, and fish on a plate, and a microscope all under the words PFAS Chemical Awareness

Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances (PFAS)

PFAS are a man-made family of chemicals, with PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid) and PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) being the most studied and understood.
Alternate spelling: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

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image of a family with a young baby in their home with the words radon in my home?

Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that forms naturally in soil and rock throughout the world.

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young black woman

STD Screenings for Women

While STDs are health concerns for all people, it’s mostly women who suffer from life-changing health problems—in the U.S., untreated STDs cause infertility in at least 24,000 women yearly. Untreated syphilis results in infant deaths in up to 40% of births. Delay of treatment is the problem, that’s why screening is important.

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Know the signs of a stroke and act F.A.S.T. - F is face drooping. A is arm weakness. S is speech difficulty. T is time to call 9 1 1.


Know the signs of a stroke.

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