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WIC Eligibility

Contact the Florida WIC Program

  •  1-800-342-3556



    Mailing Address

    Bureau of WIC Program Services 

    4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A16 

    Tallahassee FL 32399 

English | Español | Kreyòl

WIC is a nutrition program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who have recently been pregnant, infants, and children under age 5.

WIC provides the following at no cost:

  • Healthy foods
  • Nutrition education and counseling
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Referrals to health care, immunizations, and community services

To be income-eligible for WIC:

You must have a total household income equal to or less than the amounts shown in the WIC income guidelines OR you are income-eligible if you are currently receiving Medicaid, Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), or food assistance. However, you do not have to be on a public assistance program to qualify for WIC.

WIC Income Guidelines

For a pregnant woman, each unborn baby counts as one extra person in the household size.

Household Size*WIC Income Eligibility Based on Income Intervals
If you have more than 8 people in your household, please call your local WIC office for details.

* The gross wages (before taxes) on your check stubs based on how often you are paid (income interval) and household size will need to be less than or equal to the amounts in the chart to be income eligible for WIC.

Revised 6/21/2024

Each year, these dollar amounts may increase.

To Apply for WIC

  • Obtain your local WIC office telephone number or call toll free 800-342-3556 and say you want to apply for WIC.
  • Your local WIC office will give you a date and time for a WIC certification visit. At this visit, the household income and the medical/nutrition status of each applicant will be reviewed and you will find out if you and your children are eligible for WIC.
What is needed at your WIC certification appointment:
  • When required, bring each woman, infant, and child applying for WIC.
  • Proof of ALL income for everyone in the household (before taxes and deductions are taken out), such as: employment wages, child support, alimony, unemployment payments, foster care payments, and military earnings.
    • Proof of income must include all sources of funds received during the last 28-31 days. If paid weekly, provide four pay stubs. If paid every two weeks or biweekly, provide two pay stubs. If the amount does not change for each pay period, one pay stub is acceptable.
    • If you receive Medicaid, Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), or food assistance (SNAP), you may be income-eligible for WIC and proof of income won’t be needed.
  • ONE proof of where you live (no P.O. boxes), must be current with name and address, such as a utility bill, bank/insurance statement, or driver's license. You must be currently living in Florida, but you don't have to be a U.S. citizen.
  • ONE proof of identification (ID) for you and ONE proof of ID for any infant or child applying for WIC, such as a birth certificate, driver's license, crib card, military ID, photo ID, Social Security card, or hospital record.
  • Completed WIC Medical Referral Form for each woman, infant, or child who is applying, if available.
  • Social Security Number for each person applying for WIC, if available.
  • Immunization record for each child, if available.