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DOH23-025 CMS Health Plan – Invitation to Negotiate (ITN)
Contact: Florida Health
- 850-245-4444
Mailing Address
Florida Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Addendum 1 Timeline
Addendum 2
Addendum 3
Attachment B - AHCA Scope of Services
DOH23- 025 - Attachment B - Exhibit B-1 - CMS Plan
DOH23-025 CMS Health Plan - Attachment A - Legal Approved - Final
Exhibit A-1 - Questions Template
Exhibit A-2 - Transmittal Letter
Exhibit A-2-a - Qualification of Plan Eligibility
Exhibit A-2-b - PSN Certification of Ownership and Controlling Interest
Exhibit A-2-c - Additional Required Certifications and Statements
Exhibit A-2-d - ACO Certification of Qualifications - Final
Exhibit A-3-a Milliman OCI Mitigation Plan
Exhibit A-3-b- Milliman Employee OCI Mitigation Plan Declaration - Final
Exhibit A-4 Unscored SRCs - October 31, 2024
Exhibit A-4-a - SRC #5 After-Hours-Availability 6.10.24
Exhibit A-4-b - SRC #8 Community Partnerships Nursing Workforce Enhancements 5.21.24
Exhibit A-4-c - SRC #10 Staff to Enrollee Ratio Tool 5.21.24
Exhibit A-4-d SRC #14 Proposed Subcontractor Tool - FINAL
Exhibit A-5-a Submission Requirements and Evaluation Response Template 6.27.24
Exhibit A-5-a Submission Requirements and Evaluation Response Template V2 12.20.24
Exhibit A-5-a-1 - Expanded Benefits - Medical 5.21.24.xlsx
Exhibit A-5-b - SRC# 26 Provider Network Agreements Contract Tool 5.21.24
Exhibit A-6 CMS Plan ITN Financial Template Narrative
Exhibit A-6-a CMS Plan ITN - Financial Commitment Template - Respondent Name 7.10.24
Exhibit A-6-a CMS Plan ITN - Financial Commitment Template - Respondent Name V2 12.20.24
Exhibit A-6-b ITN Plan Financial Commitment Supporting Documentation – Final
Exhibit A-6-c CMS Plan Databook
Exhibit A-7_Summary of Respondent Commitments 6.25.24
Exhibit A-8 - Certification of Drug-Free Workplace Program - Final - October 31 2024
Exhibit A-9 Respondent Name Template PDN Quality Withhold Calculation
Exhibit A-9 Respondent Name Template PDN Quality Withhold Calculation V2 12.20.24
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